University of California
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UC Care for retirees

Administered by Anthem Blue Cross (medical) and Navitus (pharmacy); supported by Accolade Health Care Advocate

UC Care is a PPO plan created just for UC to ensure the best possible access to world-class UC hospitals and physicians. For convenience and flexibility, you also have access to the Anthem Preferred network of providers and coverage for non-network providers.

The information below is a summary. See plan documents for details.

Changes for 2025:

  • Copays for outpatient visits have increased from $20 to $30 for UC Select/Tier 1 and urgent care in Anthem Preferred/Tier 2.
  • Prescription drug copays have increased by $5-$15 for Tiers 1-3.
  • Full Full eligibility available
  • Mid Mid eligibility available
  • Core Core eligibility available
  • Retirees Retirees eligibility available

How the plan works

Accolade helps you navigate your medical plan and is your first stop for questions about your benefits. You can reach Accolade at (866) 406-1182 (Monday–Friday, 5 a.m.–8 p.m. PT). Find all your plan details at

  • You may choose any doctor or care facility, worldwide. You pay less for care within the UC Select or Anthem Preferred networks.
  • Annual out-of-pocket maximums limit what you pay. If you reach the annual maximum, the plan pays 100% of your covered medical costs for the rest of the year. 
  • Behavioral health benefits are provided through Anthem Blue Cross.
  • See updated information about coverage for COVID tests.

Best fit for you if:

  • You want direct access to most providers without a referral
  • You want no deductible and fixed copays for using providers in the UC Select network
  • You want coverage when you are traveling or living abroad
  • You and/or your family members live outside California

Understanding your costs

When choosing a plan, make sure to consider all your costs — including your monthly premiums and what you can expect to pay out-of-pocket for care. ALEX will ask you a few questions to help you estimate how much you may need to spend.

Monthly premium costs for retirees

Enrolling in Medicare

UC Medicare PPO is considered the “partner plan” of UC Care. That means that if you are a retiree enrolled in UC Care, you’ll be transferred into UC Medicare PPO when you turn 65, once Medicare has approved your enrollment form.