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smiling retiree wearing a hat while gardening

Staying engaged with UC

As a UC retiree or emeritus, you are a vital and valued member of the UC community. Learn how to continue to contribute your time and talents and take part in uniquely UC opportunities to learn, travel and socialize.

UC retiree and emeriti associations & centers

Find opportunities to engage with and advocate for the UC retiree and emeriti community near you.

UC Advocacy Network

UCAN is a digital grassroots community that focuses on issues that matter to UC retirees, emeriti, staff, students, alumni, faculty and more.

UC Retirees Travel

Coordinated by a team of volunteers, all UC retirees, UC Retirees Travel leads group trips all around the world.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes

Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes sponsor educational programs for adults over the age of 50 who want to be part of a learning community with peers.