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Employment policies, contracts and updates

UC is a vibrant, diverse community of people from every background, in every type of job imaginable. Our people make UC great, and we pride ourselves on being an inclusive place where everyone feels valued, respected and recognized for their contributions.

Some employment policies and rules may vary depending on your position. To help you understand which ones apply to you, check out the links below to policies, contracts and updates for academic appointees, policy-covered staff and union-represented employees.

Academic appointees

UC’s policies and procedures for faculty, lecturers, academic research professionals and other academic appointees are developed following our shared governance structure and commitment to accountability and transparency.

Academic Personnel Manual Policies and procedures for academic appointees Academic policies under review UC invites comments on proposed revisions to academic policies.

Policy-covered staff

The Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) delineate the employment relationship between staff members and the University of California. These policies describe certain rights, benefits and expectations which encourage professionalism, service and contribution.

Personnel Policies for Staff Members Policies and procedures for staff members Policies updated in the last 12 months

Union-represented employees

The University of California takes pride in its ongoing commitment to working effectively with its labor unions. Currently, UC negotiates with fifteen systemwide bargaining units and eight unions about the employment terms of more than 137,000 employees.

Bargaining units, contracts and local agreements Find news, information and contracts for UC’s systemwide bargaining units and local agreements. FAQs about bargaining units Frequently asked questions Labor news and bargaining updates Active union negotiations