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What are you looking for?

Personalized support

Reach out for help tailored for you and your situation.


ALEX, a virtual benefits coach, will ask you a few questions to help you choose the plans that are right for you.

Contact your health care facilitator

Your health care facilitator (HCF) is here to help you understand and manage your UC health benefits. 

Contact your benefits office

Find out who to contact for help at your location.

Financial education and counseling from Fidelity

The UC Retirement System contracts with Fidelity Investments to provide many valuable services, including financial education through classes and one-on-one guidance.


Please submit an inquiry by signing in to your UCPath account; on the upper right-hand side, click on “Ask UCPath Center.” You may also contact the UCPath Center to speak with an associate Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., at 855-982-7284.

UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC)

The RASC team is here to guide you through the retirement process and provide long-term pension and retirement health benefits assistance.