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Family member eligibility verification (FMEV)

UC requires all faculty, staff and retirees who enroll family members in a UC health or welfare plan to provide documents to verify their family members’ eligibility for coverage.

Understanding the process

UnifyHR administers the verification process for UC.

Employees and retirees who enroll new family members during the year or during Open Enrollment will receive a packet of materials from UnifyHR to help them complete the verification process. Recipients must respond by the deadline shown on their letter or they risk disenrollment of their family members from UC benefits.

UnifyHR is able to provide assistance in multiple languages. If you have any issues obtaining the documents required to verify your dependents’ eligibility, please contact UnifyHR toll-free at 1-844-718-3970.

If UnifyHR contacts you

UnifyHR will reach out by mail if they require additional documentation to establish your dependents’ eligibility for coverage. They will send an email and make one phone call if they have not received any documents by a certain date. You will receive a letter of cancellation if your dependents are being disenrolled from UC benefits.

If you have any questions about what you need to do at any point in the process, please go to the UnifyHR website or contact UnifyHR at 1-844-718-3970. UnifyHR representatives can answer your questions and let you know what documentation they have on file for you and what documentation they need. When you call, be sure to have any letters you’ve received from UnifyHR handy, so you can refer to them during your call.