University of California
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UC Retirement Plan 2013 Tier

For employees hired July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2016

As a member of the UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) 2013 Tier, you can elect to retire and receive benefits at any time after you become eligible — that is, when you reach age 55 and leave UC employment with at least five years of service credit. When you retire, you may choose a lifetime monthly benefit. You may also be eligible for retiree health benefits.

Employees represented by American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), California Nurses Association (CNA), or University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) who were hired or became UCRP-eligible on or after July 1, 2013, are members of the UCRP Modified 2013 Tier.

For details about your UCRP 2013 Tier benefits, please see UC Retirement Plan 2013 Tier Summary Plan Description (PDF).

How do I accrue pension benefits?

While employed with UC, you make pretax contributions (7% of your covered compensation) and earn service credit toward a lifelong pension benefit. Your pension is based on a formula that factors in your time at UC, your age at retirement and your highest salary (averaged over three years).

When am I eligible for (or vested in) my retirement benefits?

You must earn five or more years of UCRP service credit to be “vested” — that means that you have a non-forfeitable right to receive UCRP retirement benefits upon leaving UC and reaching retirement age.

If you leave UC before you are “vested,” you are entitled to a refund of your UCRP contributions, plus accumulated interest.

Other UCRP benefits

See the UC Retirement Plan 2013 Tier Summary Plan Description (PDF) and the additional resources below for complete information on your UCRP benefits, including:

Represented by a union?

Your benefits are negotiated between UC and your union. See your bargaining unit’s contract for details.