Find a Primary Care Physician

The medical plans below require you to name a primary care physician (PCP) when you enroll. Each plan's website has a physician directory to help you to find PCPs for you and your family members. While the plans make every effort to keep the information current, you should call the doctor to verify that he/she is still in the plan.

UC Blue & Gold and Health Net Senior Advantage

  1. Select “Find a Doctor”
  2. In ProviderSearch:
    • Select a plan year and location
    • Select a filter; if filtering by type of plan/network, select “Blue & Gold HMO” (standard medical plan) or "Seniority Plus" (Medicare employer HMO) from the drop-down menu

Western Health Advantage

Does My Doctor Participate in the Plan?

The plans below do not require you to name a primary care physician. However, you can use the plans' doctor search applications to see if the doctor you want participates in the plan. While the plans make every effort to keep the information current, you should call the plan or the doctor to verify that he/she is still in the plan.