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Leadership and management development

UC provides a range of opportunities for you to learn and develop the many complex skills needed to lead and manage successfully at UC. Taking advantage of development opportunities can enhance and strengthen the leadership capabilities highlighted in the UC Core Competencies (PDF) and ensure current and emerging leaders have the skills, knowledge and resources to effectively lead, engage and develop their teams.

UC-Coro Systemwide Leadership Collaborative

A systemwide leadership program for senior staff, faculty, and academic personnel to enhance leadership skills and foster relationships, networking and collaboration across UC while building a pipeline for executive leadership positions.

Management Development Program

A dynamic systemwide training program that’s designed to enhance and strengthen your leadership capabilities in the UC core competencies and ensure you have the skills, knowledge and resources to effectively lead, engage and develop your team.

Systemwide People Management Series and Certificate

A systemwide program for all people managers and aspiring people managers. Participants complete local and systemwide programs and eCourses, as well as in-person learning experiences, with topics such as performance management, managing people, change management and communications.

Managing Implicit Bias Series

This six-course online series is designed to increase awareness of implicit bias and reinforce UC’s diversity, equity, and inclusion values. It is intended to supplement existing location programs and resources.

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