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The ILTI relaunches as UC Online

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On Aug. 18, 2021, the Innovative Learning Technology Initiative (ILTI) is relaunching as UC Online (UCO). UCO is UC’s cross-campus enrollment resource, enabling students to take online courses at other UC campuses, at no charge, during the academic year, and receive academic credit needed to progress toward graduation.  

UCO is part of the Educational Innovations and Services unit within Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs (GUEA) at the UC Office of the President (UCOP).  

The program will continue to advance the university’s commitment to a quality public education for California students, with a focus on providing equitable and inclusive digital and online learning opportunities for all. 

Since 2013, UCO has supported campus efforts with funding and services that include: 

  • Development and faculty support of a growing catalogue of online courses, programs, sequences and minors available to students across the UC system 
  • Pedagogical and technical innovations related to teaching and learning online 
  • Development of the Cross-Campus Enrollment System (CCES)
  • Cross-campus, academic year enrollment operations and student support 

Today, UCO helps undergraduates find credit-bearing, online learning opportunities across the UC system, and support campus-to-campus collaborations for faculty. Beginning in 2021, UCO is expanding these efforts to develop new programs and services, including a UC Online teaching and learning conference in October 2021. Faculty, staff, students and administrators from all 10 UC campuses whose work includes online learning are invited to participate in and attend the event.  

UCO’s new website is uconline.edu. For more information, contact Paul Montoya or Ellen Osmundson.

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