University of California
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Eligibility for retiree health and home benefits

To be eligible for retiree health and home benefits, you must meet UC’s general eligibility guidelines and the age and service credit requirements that apply to you, depending on when you were hired (see categories below).

General eligibility guidelines
If you enroll in UC primary retirement benefits or are rehired (after a break in service of more than 120 days):

UC’s contribution to medical and dental premiums

Currently, UC shares the monthly cost of medical and dental coverage with eligible retirees, up to a maximum UC contribution that varies each year depending on overall costs. Retirees may be eligible to receive from 5% to 100% of UC’s maximum contribution to premiums. This is known as “graduated eligibility,” and it does not apply to you if you became a member of UCRP before Jan. 1, 1990, and have not had a break in service of more than 120 days.

If you were hired or rehired on Jan. 1, 1990, or after, the amount UC will contribute to your monthly costs is calculated based on the amount of service credit you have earned and your age at retirement. The calculation depends on when you were hired.

The Retiree Health Plan Premium Estimator for 2025 can help you understand what your share of your retiree medical premium might be. Please sign in to your UCRAYS account to see your actual costs.


  1. If there is a gap in time between the date you end UC employment and the date your UC-sponsored retiree medical and dental benefits become effective, you may have to pay the full monthly cost for your medical and dental plans (including UC’s contribution) to continue coverage during the gap period and maintain eligibility. You may also continue your vision and legal insurance during any gap period to ensure continuing coverage. If you don’t continue vision and legal coverage during this gap, though, you may add coverage during a future Open Enrollment period (if the plan is open). Retiree accidental death & dismemberment insurance can be added at any time.