Last spring, in response to the COVID-19 lockdown, UC campuses and programs quickly pulled together online assets for distance learning. These resources were intended for newly home-schooling parents, students at all levels, teachers and folks who felt empowered to learn a new skill, like becoming fluent in a new language.
Would any of us have expected to enter the fall semester still schooling at home? Probably not and yet, here we are. In our ongoing attempt to make sure all students have the support to keep from falling behind during this season of isolation from school settings, we have gathered more of the best K–12 and college-level home-learning resources.
Whether you are a parent, a student or a teacher, you can pore over — or share — UC’s Anti-Racism resources, the UCLA Science Project or the Paris Catacombs (from California MESA’s profusely generous list).
Below we have included access to standards-based lessons in STEM subjects, world literature, geography, music and many other education assets. We hope they are useful long after life and learning have returned to normal.
For Parents
UC San Diego Early Care and Education at Home: For parents of very young learners at home
California History-Social Science Project: K–12 lessons, organized by grade, from a primary UC outreach resource
The Global Oneness Project: Interdisciplinary learning site with lessons on migration, creativity, climate change and nature; lesson plans for grades 9–12, along with standards alignment for each lesson
For Students
KQED World and PBS KIDS 24/7: PBS at-home learning online learning media and activities for use outside the classroom
Audible: Free elementary through teen-level reading to stream from laptop, desktop, phone or tablet
UC Davis: Student-to-student home-study tips from a college senior, and other first-generation student resources
A-G Guide: Guidelines and criteria for A-G course requirements
For Educators
How to Teach Online: Helpful and specific methods for teachers from Occidental College/World Language Project
UCLA Center X: Framing science-at-home explorations, with links to other great science resources
National Education Association: Teaching resources for discussing Black Lives Matter and principles of social equity with students
UC resources for your living room classroom has more recommendations.