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Time for a check-up!

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When was your last wellness check-up? If you can’t remember, it’s probably been too long. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend regular checks to help you stay on top of your health.

Regular wellness checks help you resolve medical conditions before they become problems. By getting the right health services, screenings and treatments, you are increasing your chances of living a longer, healthier life.

How often should I get a wellness check?

That depends. UCLA Health offers this overview of screenings you may need, but here are a couple of other questions to consider:

  • Do you have concerns that need follow-up? Your doctor can help you navigate continuing medical conditions and stay on track with your health goals.
  • Do you have a chronic condition? Wellness checks can help keep it under control.

Partnering with your primary care provider will help you ensure your preventive screenings and health care are appropriate and well-coordinated.

Getting the most out of your wellness check

It’s easy to feel rushed or intimidated at the doctor’s office and leave with unanswered questions. Preparing ahead of time can help. Here are a few tips:

  • Bring notes that detail your medical history: This includes immunization records, lab work, screening test results, details of emergency room visits and results of tests ordered by specialists.
  • Talk about why you’re making the visit: You’ll make better use of your time with the doctor if you communicate your priorities.
  • Bring up health issues that could require attention from a specialist: You may find that your primary care physician can help, instead, saving you time and money. If not, you can get a recommendation for specialty care from your doctor, and a referral if your plan requires one.

Learn more about having productive conversations with your doctor.

UC’s medical plans offer most preventive care services at no charge to you. If you’re due for a check-up, call your provider today!

Don’t forget about dental and vision

When you’re planning your preventive care for the year, make sure to add visits to your dentist and eye doctor to your calendar. The health of your teeth and gums is tied to your overall health more strongly than you might imagine, and regular eye exams are important even if your vision seems fine.

UC offers dental and vision coverage at no cost to eligible faculty and staff. For those enrolled in coverage, UC’s dental plans provide free exams and cleanings, and the vision plan provides annual WellVision exams with in-network providers for a low $10 copay.

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