As you prepare to file your state income taxes this year, you have an opportunity to help University of California researchers in the fight against cancer.
UC administers two highly-regarded cancer research funds on behalf of the state of California. The donations fund research that focuses on the prevention, treatment and survivability of cancers that affect many Californians.
All donations, no matter the size, make a difference and 95% of contributions go directly to research and education efforts. If you’d like to support this important work, you can do so when you fill out California’s 540 Income Tax Return form. It includes a section that lists funds to which taxpayers may contribute:
- Line 405 supports the California Breast Cancer Research Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund. Examples of breast cancer research funded include investigations into identifying and eliminating environmental factors that may cause breast cancer, as well as developing novel strategies for treating metastatic disease and triple-negative breast cancer.
- Line 413 supports the California Cancer Research Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund. Donations are used to advance research to prevent, treat and cure all types of cancer. Recent grants are funding research on a robotic surgical tool to remove brain tumors, and on the contribution of maternal diet in offspring cancer risk. The fund also supports traineeships to enhance workforce diversity and strengthen research that addresses cancer disparities.
Together, we can help UC researchers and others across California in the quest to end cancer and heal healthcare disparities for all Californians.