University of California
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UC news

New UC admissions and financial aid webinars for parents and high school students

October 26, 2023
The University of California has just announced new webinars, open to the public, that are designed to help parents and students learn about and better understand …

UC Office of the President welcomes Dr. David Rubin as new executive vice president of UC Health

October 24, 2023
David Rubin, M.D., MSCE, a graduate of UCSF’s school of medicine, has returned to the UC system to serve as the new executive vice president …

From President Drake: Creating more opportunity

October 18, 2023
At the University of California, true inclusive excellence requires an ongoing focus on expanding access to the University. By creating more opportunity, we cultivate thriving …

University of California statement on Mideast violence

October 10, 2023
University of California Board of Regents Chair Richard Leib and UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D., shared the following statement today, Monday, Oct. 9, 2023, …

From President Drake: My renewed priorities

September 21, 2023
I once had a mentor who gave me a piece of advice that has stuck with me: The difference between A and A+ is huge. …

An update on President Drake’s systemwide priorities

September 20, 2023
To the UC community,  Last year at this time, I shared with you my presidential priorities for the University of California. These priorities were informed …

An update on UC’s progress in the implementation of the Community Safety Plan

UC Riverside students
September 19, 2023
Since beginning in his role as Director of Systemwide Community Safety over a year ago, Jody Stiger has visited every UC campus to build relationships …

ICYMI: Watch a webinar on student loan repayment

students on campus
September 19, 2023
Payments on federal student loans are resuming this fall, but new options are available that can make payments more manageable and save borrowers money. The …

Observe Constitution Day with UC and President Drake

U.S. Constitution and flag
September 12, 2023
On Sunday, Sept. 17, UC is joining historic and educational institutions across the country in celebrating Constitution Day — a holiday commemorating the Sept. 17, …

Update on Zoom artificial intelligence features

August 21, 2023
There have been several queries about Zoom’s recent updated terms of service pertaining to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) features in Zoom products. These changes currently …