UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement hosts annual Fellows Program webinars

The UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement has announced upcoming events in its annual Fellows in the Field interactive webinar series.
The Center’s fellows are critical to advancing the important work of helping educational institutions foster environments that protect free expression, encourage activism and promote diversity and inclusion. At the conclusion of the annual Fellows Program, the Center hosts a series of digital workshops, highlighting fellows’ research and findings through interactive sessions.
Join us for the 2024 Fellows in the Field series events
Select each image or event title to register.

Leading Campus-Wide Nonpartisan Civic and Voter Empowerment: Lessons from California’s Landmark Civic Legislation — featuring Alex Kappus
Aug. 22 at 12 p.m. (PT)
Amid extreme political polarization, college and university leaders must embrace their role in strengthening democracy. This session will provide strategies and resources for cultivating a healthier campus climate for political learning. Dr. Alex Kappus, Account Executive for Student Success at Credo Higher Education Consulting, will share practical implications of his research reviewing institutional responses to California’s Student Civic and Voter Empowerment Act (A.B. 963), examining the nature and scope of efforts across the UC, CSU and community college systems.

Reframing the Role of Free Speech in Bias Response: Considering Student Stories — featuring Ashley Robinson
Sept. 18 at 12 p.m. (PT)
Struggles with free speech are not only a key challenge for administrators and frontline staff responding to bias incidents in higher education, but also pose significant challenges for marginalized students who are victims of bias incidents. Join Dr. Ashley Robinson, Assistant Professor of Higher Education at Fairleigh Dickinson University, to learn about the negative impacts of free expression rationales on students who report bias incidents, and consider more expansively what accountability in situations of identity-based harm might look like, both for those harmed and for those causing the harm.

Past is Prologue: How Student Trustees Influence Campuses and Beyond — featuring Raquel Rall
Oct. 9 at 11 a.m. (PT)
Delve into the transformative influence of student trustees as they shape campus dynamics and resonate across broader society. Rooted in a legacy of activism, student trustees bring a distinctive governance perspective, embodying the vibrant pulse of student voices. Join Dr. Raquel Rall, Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives at UC Riverside, to discuss their impact through proactive civic engagement, from grassroots initiatives to organizational ventures, exemplifying a dedication to inclusive discourse and catalyzing positive societal change. This workshop will document and celebrate the dynamic journey of these influential student leaders.
Learn more about the UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement