Results of a recent survey of all UC faculty, staff and retirees at all our locations indicated a high degree of satisfaction with UC's medical plans.

It is the first such survey since the significant changes to the university’s medical plan offerings a year ago. More than 31,000 faculty, staff and retirees responded to the survey. Among the findings:

  • 74 percent of respondents indicated they were satisfied or highly satisfied with their plan.
  • 14 percent gave a neutral response with regard to plan satisfaction, and 12 percent were not satisfied.
  • 75 percent of the respondents are enrolled in HMOs, which had higher satisfaction scores than other types of plans (Preferred Provider Organizations or PPOs) and Health Savings Accounts or HSAs).
  • 77 percent of those enrolling in a new plan said they were satisfied with the new network.
  • 73 percent of all participants found it easy to get an appointment with their primary care physician.
  • 77 percent of those needing to see a specialist found it easy to get an appointment.

The responses closely align from location to location with a few differences in overall satisfaction. You can find the survey results here.

“These results indicate a high level of satisfaction on the key indicators of quality and access,” said Dwaine Duckett, vice president of human resources. “However, the results also show that we have opportunities to improve with regard to specific plans and in some targeted areas.”

Duckett said HR plans to share the results with its plan providers to discuss improving in areas where there is significant opportunity.

“Given the university’s investment in these programs — more than $1.6 billion annually — and their importance to you, we are committed to improving and strengthening their performance and quality going forward,” Duckett said.