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UC continues negotiations with UPTE July 18-19 for Healthcare Professionals, Technical Employees, and Researchers contracts 

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On July 18-19, the University of California met with the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) in bargaining sessions for new contracts for healthcare professionals, technical employees, and researchers. 

UC’s proposals at the two day sessions included arbitration, grievance, holidays, and job posting language specific to the Technical Employees (TX) and Researchers (RX) units. For the Healthcare Professionals (HX) unit, proposals includedgrievances, holidays, 
filling vacant positions and reclassification review language. 

The University maintains a long-standing and valued partnership with UPTE. The University’s proposals are not intended to be a “starting point” but rather reasonable offers that reflect the significance of UPTE-represented employees’ services.

UC and UPTE have confirmed dates for more than 15 bargaining sessions over the next few months. UC is committed to putting together proposals that support employees with fair wages. 
The next bargaining sessions are scheduled for July 31-August 1. UC will continue to listen carefully to union concerns, review the union’s proposals and counterproposals, and keep you informed about the negotiation process and our actions.

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