University of California
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Labor news and bargaining updates

Read the latest bargaining updates, public notices and other news for represented employees below.

Active union negotiations
Public notices
Press releases and media statements

Información importante para los empleados representados por AFSCME

April 11, 2019
Las demoras al contrato les están costando a Ud. mucho dinero. He aquí cuánto dinero los empleados promedio de servicio y atención técnica al paciente se …

Important information for AFSCME-represented employees

April 11, 2019
Contract delays are costing you a lot of money. Here is how much money average service and patient care technical employees have missed because A …

Letter to service and patient care technical employees

April 5, 2019
Dear colleague: After nearly 24 months of negotiations with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), I wanted you to hear directly from …

Letter to research and technical employees about UC’s latest offer

April 5, 2019
Dear research and technical colleagues: After more than a year and a half of negotiations with the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE), I wanted …

Carta a los empleados de servicio y atención al paciente con respecto a la última oferta de UC

April 5, 2019
Estimado/a colega: Tras casi 24 meses de negociaciones con la Federación Americana de Empleados Estatales, Condales y Municipales (AFSCME, por sus siglas en inglés), quiero …

Letter to UC librarians regarding tentative agreement with UC-AFT on new five-year contract

March 26, 2019
Dear colleague: I am pleased to inform you that UC and the UC-AFT have reached a tentative agreement on a new multi-year contract for UC’s more …

Letter to academic researchers regarding agreement with UAW about new unit composition

March 26, 2019
Dear colleague: I am pleased to inform you that UC and the United Auto Workers 5810 have reached an agreement on the composition of the Academic …

Bargaining Update for UC Research Support and Technical Staff

March 15, 2019
You deserve better — you deserve a contract! Last month, UC presented UPTE leaders with a settlement offer that guaranteed annual pay increases and good …

Letter from Vice President Duckett to UPTE/AFSCME-represented employees regarding Mar. 20 strike

March 14, 2019
Related Links Important information for union-represented staff about joining UPTE’s March 20 one-day strike Dear colleague: Your union is asking you and your bargaining unit colleagues …

Information for UPTE/AFSCME-represented employees about coming to work during a strike

March 14, 2019
Your union is once again asking you to strike on March 20th. Below is some important information about your right to work during a strike, …