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Updated travel guidelines for the UC community

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A letter from Rachael Nava, UC’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, to the university community.

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Although the United States has recently experienced a decrease in new COVID-19 cases and positivity rates, and an increase in the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccination, COVID-19 continues to present a global health risk that must be taken seriously.

The Office of the President has issued several directives regarding travel over the past year that restricted non-essential, University-related travel. The last directive, issued August 6, 2020, restricted non-essential travel to CDC Level 2 and 3 countries.

Since the August 2020 directive, the CDC has updated their Travel Health Notice system to 4 Tiers (Very High, High, Moderate and Low) and they are working closely with the U.S. Department of State (DOS) to ensure the DOS Travel Advisories align with the CDC 4 Tier System.

The Office of the President is rescinding the prior travel directives and directs that all University travelers follow the CDC Guidance before, during and upon return from travel.

Any exceptions to CDC Guidance and the determination of what travel is considered as essential travel are deferred to the campus and medical center locations. Additionally, all international travelers should review the DOS Travel Advisories related to their destination(s) prior to making travel plans and ensure that their travel is registered with the UC Travel Insurance Program.


Rachael Nava
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer,
UC Office of the President

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