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Step up for your colleagues: Apply to become the next staff advisor to UC Regents

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Ann Jeffrey, departing staff advisor to the Regents, entered the role with an open mind. As she explained at the time, “One thing I’ve learned during my career at UC is that when you walk in the door, you never really know what you’re going to learn and gain.”

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She was right. Though Jeffrey treasures the campus visits and face-to-face conversations that marked her first year as staff advisor, she is also grateful for her experiences this past year. “UC staff have inspired me every day. It’s been a privilege to represent the extraordinary individuals who have done so much for UC – and for Californians – throughout the pandemic.”

Applications for the position of staff advisor to the Regents are once again open for non-represented and represented staff or non-Senate academic employees who have at least five years of UC service, offering a unique opportunity to represent and serve your colleagues. The application period ends April 9, 2021, for a two-year term that runs from July 2021 to June 2023.

You can learn more about the program and how to apply by April 9 on the staff advisor website.

Jeffrey, UC Berkeley assistant vice chancellor and chief of staff, has been serving this year alongside Lucy Tseng, regional director for UCLA Giving. As staff advisors, they participate in open sessions and designated committees of the board of Regents, representing their fellow employees in UC Board of Regents deliberations and to decision-makers at the Office of the President. Staff advisors serve as non-voting members of designated Regents’ committees; they attend and participate directly in committee and board meetings throughout their term of service. They also meet extensively with staff to understand their needs and learn from their experiences.

If you have questions about the staff advisor position or the application process, you can contact Juliann Martinez, UC Office of the President Systemwide Employee Relations, at 510-287-3331 or via email: Juliann.Martinez@ucop.edu.

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