Are you looking for a way to advance your career, highlight your accomplishments or connect with systemwide colleagues? These opportunities are open to staff at all campuses!
Note: Opportunities are sorted by registration/application deadline.
Current/upcoming opportunities
2021 Universities Fighting World Hunger Summit: Co-hosted by UC’s Global Food Initiative, the UC Davis World Food Center, UC’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources and its Nutrition Policy Institute, in partnership with the Hunger Solutions Institute at Auburn University, this virtual summit will focus on involving students in sustainable solutions to end world hunger. Register by March 12, 2021; event March 25-26, 2021.
Salesforce.org 2021 Innovation Leadership Forum event featuring President Drake: Attend a thought-provoking virtual discussion about the critical challenges and opportunities facing higher education today. Event/registration: March 23, 2021 at 10 a.m. PT.
UC Alumni Career Network — Leading through challenging times: Join a transparent discussion on the traumatic toll the pandemic has taken on leaders and strategies you can implement to prioritize your needs and those of your team. Featuring Diana Hendel, Pharm. D., an author, health care executive and alumna of UC Irvine and UCSF. Event/registration: March 24, 2021 at 12 p.m. PT.
UC Davis/UC Irvine Clinician Health and Wellbeing Fellowship Program: This seven-month clinical education program is geared towards providers in all medical specialties who wish to receive advanced training in clinician health and wellbeing. Apply by March 26, 2021.
UC Alumni Career Network — Managing student loan debt: Whether you are dealing with your own educational debt or helping a family member manage their student loans, we invite you to join us for a tactical webinar where you will learn strategies and options to manage student loan debt. Event/registration: April 7, 2021 at 12 p.m. PT.
UC Alumni Career Network — Navigating racism in career advancement: Designed for BIPOC, this session will focus specifically on acknowledging and addressing racist barriers and sharing strategies for building a trusted network to support your career advancement. Event/registration: April 19, 2021 at 12 p.m. PT.
Sautter IT Innovation Award Program: Annual awards recognize technology projects that demonstrate UC IT Leadership Council priorities, including innovation, collaboration and operational efficiency, and that advance UC’s teaching, research, health care and public service missions. Apply by May 21, 2021.
Ongoing opportunities
My UC Career: This online development portal is available to all UC faculty, academic personnel, staff and students seeking to advance their career. Six self-paced modules help users discover their internal UC career mobility options, highlight accomplishments and identify how they can achieve their career goals within UC.
UC Managing Implicit Bias Series: This six-course online series helps demystify the concept of implicit bias, explaining what it is, how it affects us, why it’s important to counter it and more.
UC Systemwide People Management Series and Certificate: All current and aspiring people managers are encouraged to take this online course series, designed to provide baseline management skills in a variety of topics.
Gartner Learning & Development Leadership Council: This leading research and advisory company provides insights, best practices and tools to help individuals and organizations grow and achieve strategic priorities.
Do you have a professional development opportunity to add to this list? Contact ucnetwork@universityofcalifornia.edu. (Note that opportunities posted here must be free and accessible to staff at all UC locations.)