To the UC community,
As we settle into the new academic year, I want to share an annual update on the priorities we are working toward as an entire University. These priorities help guide our efforts, and they reflect our ongoing focus on aligning the University’s work with the needs of California and the world. In these four priority areas, across the University we are developing and equipping communities with solutions that improve lives.
I am proud of the progress we have achieved together in these areas, and I want to share a few highlights of that work with you.
Expanding opportunity and excellence
- Over the past two years, the University has added more than 7,800 full-time California resident undergraduates. And in 2024, the University admitted the largest and most diverse class to date.
- We have also created debt-free pathways, helping more students attain a degree from the University of California and leave campus with no debt. In fact, looking at new UC students in 2024-25, we expect almost 70 percent to have a debt-free pathway available to them.
Leading on climate change
- A $185 million investment by the state of California in partnership with the University is enabling UC researchers to study immediate environmental threats facing California, including wildfire mitigation and drought preparedness.
- In late August, we celebrated the launch of California’s new hydrogen hub with the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems, known as ARCHES. The University is a founding member of this public-private partnership to accelerate development and deployment of clean, renewable hydrogen projects and infrastructure.
Strengthening an inclusive, respectful and safe community
- We are strengthening our practices and policies to help mitigate bias and discrimination. In February 2024, we issued a Systemwide Anti-discrimination Policy, alongside the launch of the Systemwide Office of Civil Rights.
- We developed a Systemwide Campus Climate Initiative to advance safe, inclusive and respectful campus climates. And we introduced new courses on gender awareness and anti-racism.
Promoting health across California, including in its most vulnerable communities
- We’re improving access to preventive screenings and chronic disease management for diseases such as cancer, diabetes and hypertension, to improve health outcomes across California.
- We successfully doubled the rate of lung cancer CT screening among eligible patients this past year, and developed the UC Screen California website to help people determine if they should have a lung cancer screening. It’s available in both English and Spanish.
Looking ahead
These are collective successes involving the work and dedication of people from across the University. Thank you for everything you do on a daily basis to advance these priorities and many other important efforts that deliver on our mission of teaching, research, and public service.
It’s been the honor of a lifetime to lead this University during such a dynamic period, and I am grateful for your partnership in addressing challenges and developing solutions that strengthen the University for years to come.
Michael V. Drake, M.D.
President, University of California