University of California
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People walking along outside mirrored walkway

Employee News

Check out the latest news for the UC community below. See bargaining updates and notices for represented employees.

UC medical school graduates take on Central Valley’s health care crisis

Dr. Vanessa Mora Molina in front of a UCSF Health sign
May 1, 2024
The UC PRIME program prepares new doctors to provide care to medically underserved Californians.

UC Health launches climate pledge progress report

Female doctor at UC Riverside Medical Center
May 1, 2024
UC Health is working to develop comprehensive and equity-focused climate resilience plans across the system.

May New Dimensions

Cropped cover of New Dimensions, with photo of retirees
May 1, 2024
Catch up on the latest news for retirees in New Dimensions.

UC San Diego Health serves up sustainability in hospital cafeterias

UC San Diego staff collect food to donate.
April 30, 2024
UC San Diego Health has launched a new program as part of its sustainability efforts that diverts unused food from the landfill and instead helps those in need.

UC People: Anthony Graham

Anthony Graham in BAMPFA gallery
April 30, 2024
Anthony Graham, senior curator at the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, shares his career journey.

UCLA retirees return as volunteers

Eilish Hathaway
April 26, 2024
Imagine loving your workplace so much that even after the paychecks stop, you continue coming in.

¡Bienvenidos al nuevo UCnet!

Three people looking at a tablet at a table outside.
April 25, 2024
UCnet tiene un nuevo aspecto y una nueva estructura, diseñados para mostrarle y ayudarle a navegar los múltiples beneficios de trabajar en la UC y ser parte de una comunidad única que transforma vidas y ayuda a resolver algunos de los retos más grandes del mundo.

UCnetwork: April 2024

April 25, 2024
Read the April issue of our monthly systemwide staff newsletter.

Welcome to the new UCnet for retirees!

person in pottery studio in front of a wall of colors
April 24, 2024
The retiree homepage is the new UCnet home for news, benefits and opportunities to stay engaged with UC.

Welcome to the new UCnet!

Three people looking at a tablet at a table outside.
April 24, 2024
UCnet has a new look and structure, designed to showcase — and help you navigate — the many benefits of working at UC.