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May 19: Global Accessibility Awareness Day webinar

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This Thursday, May 19, is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) — a recognition of the importance of digital access and inclusion for the more than one billion people with disabilities and impairments.

To celebrate, attend Accessibility Demystified — a webinar focused on helping UC staff become more familiar with accessibility and share ideas about how individuals, locations and UC as a whole can expand access to all. Register online here.

This fast-paced event will feature 10- to 15-minute sessions, including:

  • Intro to barriers faced by individuals with disabilities
  • Empathy session featuring a UC staff member with a temporary disability
  • Demo of how people navigate the digital environment using a keyboard only
  • Tutorial on how to make content using Rich Text Editors accessible
  • Gameshow about research and data that can help guide accessibility

Learn why descriptive link text is important

Can’t attend the GAAD webinar? You can still help make UC more accessible. For an easy way to make a big difference in your web content, learn why link descriptors are so important — and how to improve yours.

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