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UCAN: Fight for a better future

The new year is around the corner, and with it comes a fresh opportunity to push for the priorities that can help our UC community thrive. That includes more federal financial aid for college students, state investments to help California rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic, and urgent action on climate change, to name a few.

Advances in these areas will not come easily — will you join campus colleagues systemwide in pledging to advocate for the UC community in 2022?

When we’re united, we bring real change on issues that matter. This past year, UC advocates helped secure the highest level of state funding ever and played a key role in getting Congress to introduce a bill to double the Pell Grant maximum award.

But we can’t do this important work without you. Our advocacy is only as strong as those who offer their voices to shape the state and federal policies that affect us all.

Whether it’s research, health care or education, please join the UC Advocacy Network in speaking out for equity, access and excellence, and be part of shaping a better future for everyone. 

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