On April 1, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PT), join the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) for a town hall featuring UC Board of Regents Vice Chair Maria Anguiano.
Regent Anguiano will provide insights into regents’ role in university governance and address UC’s challenges, including state budget cuts and potential reductions in federal funding.
Join us
- What: CUCSA Town Hall with Regent Maria Anguiano
- When: 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PT)
- Zoom info: Register here for Zoom information
Pre-registration is required at the link above.
CUCSA provides communication, collaboration, advisement and advocacy throughout the UC system on issues of interest to staff — policy-covered staff in particular. They do this work under UC Systemwide Human Resources’ sponsorship and are proud to have done so since 1974. The CUCSA delegation consists of two staff assembly delegates from each UC campus, plus Agriculture & Natural Resources, Berkeley National Laboratory, and the Office of the President. Learn more about CUCSA.