As we celebrate California’s success in making COVID-19 vaccines available to everyone who is eligible, we’re able to get back to many of our old routines. Though it may not be quite as much fun as taking that long-delayed vacation, now’s the time to reschedule any medical or dental appointments you may have missed or canceled during the pandemic.
How are you doing?
To get started, take an inventory of any issues that you may need to talk about with a professional. For example, ask yourself:
- Am I getting the right treatment for ongoing health concerns?
- Are there any prescriptions I need to refill or discuss with my doctor?
- Am I due (or overdue) for a check-up or screening? Is it time for a dental cleaning or a vision exam?
- Have any new symptoms or concerns — physical or emotional — developed since I last saw my provider?
Make a plan
Catching up on care can be overwhelming. Once you’ve taken stock, talk with your providers about your priorities and develop a timeline that works for you.
One of the rare bright spots of the pandemic was the growth in options for — and acceptance of — telehealth services, which are covered by all of UC’s medical plans. Even though offices are reopening, consider whether a phone or video appointment might still be your best option.
If you do need an office visit, find out whether the office has changed any of its standard practices to protect the safety of staff and patients.
Know your costs
UC’s medical plans offer most preventive care services at no charge to you and cover many of your other costs. Still, it’s helpful to know if you’ll have out-of-pocket expenses at the time of care. Once you’ve talked with your provider, contact your health plan (the number is on the back of your ID card, or you can find it on UCnet) to make sure you understand your coverage and costs.
Your Health Savings Account or Health Flexible Spending Account (FSA) can help you cover your expenses — and rules put in place during the pandemic give you more flexibility than ever. This year, you can even enroll in a Health FSA or change your contributions without waiting for Open Enrollment. Read Extended COVID-19 relief for UC’s Flexible Spending Accounts for details.
After a rough year, we all deserve some TLC – and taking care of your health is a great way to start!