As we wrap up 2023, UCnetwork wants to know: What was your proudest professional accomplishment this year? Help us celebrate the life-changing work of UC staff by sharing the milestones achieved by you and your colleagues!
There’s no wrong answer, but here are some ideas to get you started:
- Implemented or supported a program to enable student success
- Installed a new system to meet our sustainability goals
- Created a new recipe that wowed your location’s community
- Advised a particular student or group of students through a challenging time
- Created a super great video, campaign or website
- Collaborated on some artwork that reflected UC
- Found a solution to a problem — big or small
One quick note: We specifically want to celebrate staff accomplishments, so if your accomplishment relates to a faculty research innovation, please be sure to share how you contributed to its success.
We’ll share a roundup of the responses we receive in the January 2024 issue of UCnetwork!
How to participate
Email ucnetwork@universityofcalifornia.edu with:
- Your name
- Your job title
- Your UC location
- A brief description of your accomplishment
- If you have a photo to share, feel free to include it! (Horizontal images work best.)
We can’t wait to hear from you!