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UC-AFSCME news and updates

American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Union (AFSCME)

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UC’s positions on key bargaining issues

Compensation: AFSCME’s “$25/5%” request

The quality of our people makes UC great, and it’s the reason our campuses and medical centers throughout the state consistently rank among the best places to work.

All employees deserve to be fairly compensated for their work and contributions. When reviewing AFSCME’s economic proposals, UC will prioritize providing fair and competitive wages to recognize, support, and retain these critical employees. Our most recent economic proposal directly addresses AFSCME’s “25/5%” requests, and we will carefully consider all forthcoming union proposals during negotiations.

Cost of living

Housing affordability is challenging for all Californians, including UC students, faculty, and staff. Under current (and prior) contracts, UC service workers and patient care employees have received annual salary increases, averaging over 5% (through across-the-board and step increases) in each contract year. Under UC’s proposals, all AFSCME-represented employees would receive substantial pay increases over the life of the contract, with some positions seeing wage increases totaling as much as 40% over five years. While UC has no control over statewide rents or housing costs, we know the cost of living in California is high. By providing employees with competitive wages and regular pay increases, we aim to help our employees with their cost-of-living expenses.


UC provides employees with excellent healthcare and other benefits, often more generous than many employers, representing an additional 40 percent of the value of an employee’s total compensation (depending on the position and benefit choices). UC offers a range of comprehensive and family-friendly medical plans — with salary-based monthly premiums to ensure access to quality care for lower-paid colleagues — and employer contributions that are more generous than the State of California or the California State University system. UC also offers employees excellent retirement benefits to help employees save for the future.


We know transportation costs can add up. UC understands the union’s interest in making employee transportation more affordable, and we look forward to working together to expand employee access to public transportation.

Protests and strikes

We respect and support the rights of our employees to engage in lawful union activities, including demonstrations.