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Campus mentorship programs build careers and connections

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Staff throughout UC are tapping into a valuable and underutilized source of guidance and advice for career advancement: fellow employees. Mentorship programs on each campus provide structured support, as well as resources for employees who are interested in initiating informal professional partnerships.

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As CUCSA’s 2003-2014 Staff Mentoring Work Group reported, “The case for mentoring is now more compelling than ever. Most staff, indeed, most people strive to improve themselves personally and professionally throughout their lives. Research indicates that mentored individuals perform better on the job, advance more rapidly in the organization, report more job and career satisfaction and express lower turnover intentions than non-mentored counterparts… Showing real support for its staff and encouraging them to reach their maximum potential within the University of California is a best practice.”

This positive perspective is true at UC San Diego, where the Staff Mentorship Program has been fostering career development opportunities since 1996. Recently, staff revamped the program with an updated application and matching portal, new kick-off session content and additional resources for program participants throughout each mentorship cycle. 

“We believe the mentorship program is especially important in the UC system given the rich complexity of our institutions: There are so many opportunities that it can be important to have help to explore career and professional development paths. Mentoring relationships help staff get a helping hand with how to navigate the organization and set concrete goals,” says Anne Curtis, interim director, Staff Education and Development. “We also see thoughtful mentorship programs as a key part of building inclusive excellence as a campus and community. This cycle we had more mentor-mentee matches than ever before and are excited to continue developing the program.”

Read more about how local mentoring programs are supporting staff at UC Berkeley, UC Merced, UC Davis, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources — the newest staff mentorship program — and the UC Office of the President.

Find a mentorship program on your campus

Know of a mentorship program that’s not listed here? Email ucnetwork@unversityofcalifornia.edu and we’ll add it to the list! 

UC Agriculture & Natural Resources: Contact Learning and Development Coordinator Jodi Azulai for details. 

UC Berkeley: BSA Mentorship Program; Librarian/Staff Mentorship Program

UC Davis: Group Mentoring Program

UCLA: Professional Development Program (PDP); Housing & Hospitality Services (H&HS) Mentoring Program

UC Merced: Career Advancement Mentorship Program (CAMP)

UC Office of the President: UCOP Mentorship Program

UC Santa Cruz: Staff Mentorship Program

UC San Diego: Staff Mentorship Program

UCSF: Administrative Management Professionals Mentorship Program


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