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UC offers higher pay and improved benefits for Academic Researchers

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Recently, UC submitted an economic proposal to the United Auto Workers union as part of a multi-year contract to ensure fair pay for Academic Researchers. Key tentative agreements have been reached on Respectful Work Environment, Corrective Action and Dismissal, Time and Effort Commitment, Work-incurred Injury or Illness, and Nondiscrimination in Employment.

Highlights of the proposal include:

Increased Wages:

In year one of the contract, UC has proposed a 4% increase for academic researchers, with annual 3% increases in each subsequent contract year, resulting in a total increase of 16% over the life of the contract.

Quality benefits and family support: 

Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB): UC is offering eight weeks of 100% paid leave time for Family Medical Leave-eligible employees for parental bonding, to care for a family member with a serious health condition, for Military Caregiver Leave, or for Qualifying Exigency Leave.

UC and the UAW are scheduled to meet again this week, and UC remains committed to reaching an agreement as soon as possible. 

We will continue to keep you updated on our progress, and as always, thank you for your many contributions to our research mission and the UC community.