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UC and California Nurses Association collaborate for new multi-year agreement

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We are pleased to announce that UC and the California Nurses Association union have collaborated on a new three-year contract for you and your nurse colleagues, which bargaining unit members have ratified. The new contract takes effect immediately and will run through Oct. 31, 2025.

We believe this agreement recognizes the dedication, professionalism and excellent patient care you and your nurse colleagues demonstrate every day, and the extraordinary challenges you have faced for more than two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We send our heartfelt appreciation and thanks to all our nurses for their outstanding service to UC and our communities.

Highlights of the agreement include:


  • Across-the-board salary increases as follows:
    • 6% wage increase effective January 1, 2023.
    • 5% wage increase effective January 1, 2024.
    • 5% wage increase effective January 1, 2025.
  • One-time recognition payments:
    • Career nurses will receive $3,000
    • Per diem nurses who worked 50%-time or more will receive $2,000
    • Per diem nurses who worked less than 50%-time over the last year will receive $1000

Increased paid leave for family care and bonding: Effective January 1, 2023, UC will increase paid leave for family care and bonding from 70% to 100% for eight (8) weeks.

Diversity, equity and inclusion: UC and CNA will form a new systemwide labor-management committee to discuss diversity, equity and inclusion.

Workplace health and safety: UC and CNA will form new systemwide labor-management committee to discuss health and safety issues associated with emerging infectious diseases like COVID-19.

Medical benefits: Nurses will enjoy continued access to excellent health insurance, including a choice of medical plans and dental and vision insurance, with UC covering most of the cost of the monthly premiums.

Retirement benefits: Nurses will continue to be eligible for UC’s excellent retirement benefits.

Please feel free to contact your local labor relations office if you any have questions about the agreement. Full contract details soon will be available here.

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