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Letter to academic researchers regarding agreement with UAW about new unit composition

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Dear colleague:
I am pleased to inform you that UC and the United Auto Workers 5810 have reached an agreement on the composition of the Academic Researchers Unit, a new bargaining unit covering professional researchers and other academics at UC campuses and Schools of Medicine. As you may know, UC and the union have spent a considerable amount of time negotiating the appropriate composition of this unit.
Now that UC and the UAW have agreed on the unit’s composition, the next step is for the Public Relations Employment Board to confirm the UAW has the requisite level of support in order to represent the unit.
Once PERB has certified the new bargaining unit, UC and the UAW will begin negotiations on a first collective bargaining agreement. Bargaining is expected to begin in early May, and we will keep you apprised about contract negotiations with regular updates.
As always, thank you for yourmany contributions to the university’s academic mission and the people we serve.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your local labor relations or academic personnel office.
Peter Chester
Executive Director
UC Systemwide Labor Relations