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Trust in your potential: Apply by March 24 to be the next staff advisor to the UC Regents

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“If you’re a staff member who’s eligible to serve, I challenge you to think about what you could bring. What do you have to offer, to share and to learn? Trust in your potential to change UC for the better — the experience will change your life.”

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Priya Lakireddy

Priya Lakireddy is coming to the end of her two-year term as staff advisor to the UC Regents. If you’re eligible, now’s the time to consider applying for this life-changing role. Applications are due by Friday, March 24, 2023.

Applications for the position of staff advisor to the Regents are open for non-represented and represented staff or non-Senate academic employees who have at least five years of UC service. 

You can learn more about the program and how to apply by March 24 on the staff advisor website. Please reach out with questions to Melisandra Leonardos, UC Office of the President Systemwide Employee Relations, at (510) 987-9018 or via email: Melisandra.Leonardos@ucop.edu.

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