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What are you looking for?

The results are in for our first-ever UCnetwork reader survey

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Two years ago, we launched the monthly systemwide UCnetwork e-newsletter to keep staff informed and connected on all topics related to being a part of UC — from benefits to university news to local and systemwide accomplishments. To learn what’s working and how we can do better, we asked our audience to share their feedback via a five-minute reader survey. Here is a summary of the high-level results.

How you engage with us

  • More than 79% of respondents read UCnetwork every month or most months.
  • Nearly 87% have learned something new by reading UCnetwork. Of these, 84.9% learned about systemwide news and priorities and 70.4% about their benefits.
  • More than 72% have taken an action as a result of reading UCnetwork; the most popular was sharing or discussing an article (48.5%) followed by attending an event (33.6%).
  • Of those who revisited past issues of UCnetwork, 76.4% did so to seek out benefits content.
  • More than 95% find UCnetwork content easy to understand.

What you enjoy

  • Respondents reported that they most enjoy engaging with how-to content (83.4%); short, scannable articles (82.5%); staff profiles (64%); and messages from President Drake and other UC leaders (61.6%).
  • The topics most respondents were interested in were benefits (86.2%); free professional development opportunities (75.7%); news that applies to all or most UC locations (70.8%); mental wellness content (62.7%); and diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives (61.7%).


  • Several respondents indicated that they’d like to see more staff news and stories from their campuses. If you have a staff story that you’d like to share, please email it to our editorial team at ucnetwork@universityofcalifornia.edu.
  • Of those who do not read UCnetwork often, 44% indicated that they weren’t aware of the newsletter prior to receiving the survey. Our editorial staff intends to increase outreach to help resolve this issue, but we’d appreciate you spreading the word to colleagues as well.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share feedback through this survey! If you have any additional thoughts to share, feel free to email our editorial team.

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