September 20 was National Voter Registration Day, and President Drake shared a friendly reminder that there’s no time like the present to make your voice heard.
The UCnetwork systemwide staff newsletter is seeking nonpartisan stories of UC staff members who are actively participating in the voting process. We’d love to hear about:
- Why voting is personally important to you
- How you’ve helped or encouraged other people to register to vote at your UC location or in your community
- Experiences with door-to-door canvassing
- What it’s been like to set up, host or staff a polling station
- Giving friends or neighbors a ride to the polls or setting up a carpool
- Voter hotline volunteer experiences
- How you advocate for voting rights
If you’d like to share how you’re getting out the vote, send a message to ucnetwork@universityofcalifornia.edu with your name, UC location and a brief description of your efforts. You could be featured in an upcoming issue of UCnetwork!