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Staff Snapshot: Tomiko Hale

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As director of graduate programs services at the UC Merced School of Engineering, Tomiko Hale oversees a robust program that includes seven academic disciplines and more than 250 graduate students. A UCLA graduate, she is proud to have founded her education and career within UC.

Meet Tomiko

Name: Tomiko Hale

Job title: Director of Graduate Programs Services

Department/Unit: School of Engineering

Location/Campus: UC Merced

When did you start working for UC? From 1993-1998, I worked at UCLA — first as a student assistant then as part-time staff. I started working at UC Merced in August 2007.

In five words or less, what do you do for UC? Support student growth and success

What’s the best thing about your job? Using advocacy to remove barriers that impede the success of my staff as well as the students and faculty I serve.

Why do you love working for UC? UC has excellent, world-class faculty, researchers, students and staff who are working toward a common goal of advancing research and scholarship, and educating the state’s inhabitants. I feel proud when I tell people that I am a product of the UC system and I work for the UC system.

What’s something people don’t know about you? I went to boarding school for high school in the Bay Area.

Who’s your dream dinner guest (living or dead)? Michelle Obama 

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received? Take advantage of all professional development opportunities. Always try to learn a new skill even if it isn’t directly related to your current position. Pay attention to things that are outside of your job scope, because you never know when you may need to recall this information to complete tasks that are within your job scope. Do things outside of your comfort zone to expand your comfort zone.



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