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Retirement estimates now available on UCRAYS

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UC Retirement At Your Service (UCRAYS), UC’sretirement website, has added new features to make it easier for you to view and manage your retirement information:

  • Faculty and staff can now estimate UCRP retirement income in UCRAYS, using your planned retirement date and either your current highest average plan compensation or your own estimate of your earnings at the time you plan to retire. You can find retirement estimates on your UCRAYS dashboard.
  • Retirees who need to verify their pension income (for example, for a credit application) can download an official verification statement through their online UCRAYS account.
  • Finally, former UC employees may now request a refund of their UCRP accumulations through UCRAYS.

New to UCRAYS? Because UCRAYS includes new, advanced security features, you will need to register and create a new password to get started. If you need help signing into UCRAYS for the first time, check out these FAQs.

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