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Retirement Administration Service Center upgrading technology

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The UC Retirement Plan has grown substantially over the years. It now serves more than 130,000 active faculty and staff members and over 76,000 benefit recipients, with membership spanning multiple retirement tiers. In 2019, the UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) will be upgrading its technology platform. “This is an exciting time, as the new platform will allow the RASC to more effectively manage service levels, introduce greater efficiency, and in the future, introduce additional lines of communication to support our members,” said RASC director Ellen Lorenz.

Although the RASC is taking many steps to minimize disruption during the upgrade process, it’s possible that callers to the Center may experience some delays during the transition. “We appreciate your patience, and we know this technology upgrade over time will help us better serve our current and future retirees,” said Lorenz.

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