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Employee News

Check out the latest news for the UC community below. See bargaining updates and notices for represented employees.

Food for thought leadership

December 13, 2019
It’s hard to think straight on an empty belly, let alone to study and learn, and yet studies have shown that food insecurity affects one-quarter …

Campus mentorship programs build careers and connections

December 13, 2019
Staff throughout UC are tapping into a valuable and underutilized source of guidance and advice for career advancement: fellow employees. Mentorship programs on each campus …

5 great reasons to use your Gartner membership

December 13, 2019
Did you know? All UC employees can access free online professional development resources through UC’s subscription to the Gartner Learning & Development Leadership Council. Gartner is …

UC survey about health benefits and medical plans

December 11, 2019
The University of California is currently asking a selection of non-represented and represented employees to provide their opinions about health benefits and health insurance plans. …

Upcoming public forums for UC presidential search committee

December 10, 2019
In conjunction with the College Futures Foundation, the Special Committee to Consider the Selection of a President will hold two public forums to hear from …

Staff Mentorship at UC Berkeley

December 10, 2019
The Berkeley Staff Assembly (BSA) Career Development Committee’s mentorship program is one of the longest-running in the UC system. Since 2004, more than 800 staff …

Staff Snapshot: Edgar Murillo, UC Riverside grad and fan of “The View”

December 10, 2019
Edgar Murillo has only been in his role as a government relations advocacy assistant for UC’s Office of Federal Governmental Relations (FGR) since September 2019. …

Staff Mentorship at UC Office of the President (UCOP)

December 10, 2019
The UCOP Mentorship Program pairs established leaders from across all departments with developing leaders who seek to develop themselves professionally, providing a formal one-on-one mentoring structure that …

Staff Mentorship at UC Merced

December 10, 2019
Founded in 2014, UC Merced’s Career Advancement Mentorship Program (CAMP) is relatively new and was developed with support from the UC Merced Staff Assembly and UC Berkeley. …

Staff Mentorship at UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR)

December 10, 2019
UC ANR is unique in the UC system. Its advisors and staff work in 57 out of 58 counties in the state, supporting Californians with …