(K5) University of California Riverside and IUOE, Local 501 Public Notice for Sunshine
The University of California, Riverside and K5 Riverside Skilled Craft (International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 501) will negotiate a successor contract. Local bargaining may begin following completion of the public notice meetings scheduled below.
The University will convene initial public meetings on May 16, 2023, from 9:00AM to 10:00AM, and on May 23, 2023, from 9:00AM to 10:00AM, via zoom teleconference. Copies of initial proposals will be available at the meetings.
Interested members of the public may secure a copy of these bargaining proposals by addressing a written request to UC Riverside Employee and Labor Relations labor.relations@ucr.edu.
For additional information regarding this bargaining, please contact Daphne Hawkins, UCR Chief Negotiator at daphne.hawkins@ucr.edu; or Mark Fragoso, Chief Negotiator, IUOE, Local 501, at mfragoso@local501.org.
Zoom Dial-in – May 16, 2023
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Meeting ID: 997 0340 5148
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Zoom Dial-in – May 23, 2023
Join Zoom Meeting https://ucr.zoom.us/j/94233329270
Meeting ID: 942 3332 9270
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