Between the COVID-19 pandemic, racial injustice, a contentious federal election and the day-to-day stressors of our new “normal” life, it’s been a tough year. If you’ve been feeling anxious, depressed or like it’s difficult to feel centered and purposeful, UC resources can help.
Your local assistance program and UC behavioral health benefits are here to support you, along with many well-informed, relevant resources compiled by university experts. Here is a roundup of UC mental health resources.
Faculty and Staff Assistance Programs
The Faculty and Staff (or Employee) Assistance Program at each UC campus, medical center and national laboratory offers free, confidential resources for emotional health. Visit the website for your location to learn about remote support options and additional resources available during this time.
Behavioral health benefits
Make your emotional health a priority during these challenging, and often isolating, times. UC’s behavioral health plans have enhanced their telemental health options and benefits to make it as easy as possible to get the help you need.
Systemwide mental health resources
As UC staff, faculty, alumni and students work to support Californians throughout the global pandemic, UC’s mental health professionals are sharing their expertise as well. Check out these resources to help you and your family.
UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center: Greater Good’s Guide to Well-Being During Coronavirus
UC Davis Health Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Mental health and well-being
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine: Resources to stay healthy, active, and mentally well
UCLA Depression Grand Challenge
UC Irvine Health: Teens and young adults face uncertain future
UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health: Daily mindfulness and compassion sessions from the Center for Mindfulness, The Sanford Institute for Empathy and Compassion, and the Compassion Institute
UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences: Resources to Support Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Have another resource to add to this page? Email our editors at ucnetwork@universityofcalifornia.edu.