I once had a mentor who gave me a piece of advice that has stuck with me: The difference between A and A+ is huge. This is not about perfection. It’s about excellence, plus the intangible something extra that we all bring to the table. That something extra, multiplied by our more than 240,000 employees and 290,000 students systemwide, is exactly what makes the University of California shine.
Through the everyday contributions of UC faculty, staff, and students, we aim to align with the needs of the state of California and to help the world beyond meet the many challenges ahead. That is the spirit and purpose of the presidential priorities that I shared with you all last year. This month, I’m proud to share with you the progress we have made together, and I am looking ahead to ensure that we continue to push forward on our goals. Through expanding opportunity and excellence; leading on climate change; strengthening an inclusive, respectful, and safe community; and promoting health across California, including in its most vulnerable communities, we will keep moving forward into the future — together.
Thank you for all that you do every day on behalf of the University. You are all part of the special something extra that makes the University of California a beacon of hope and a mainstay of excellence in California and beyond.
Fiat Lux!
Michael V. Drake, M.D.
University of California