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Celebrate the 10th annual UC Walks!

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Beginning Wednesday, April 24 and extending through June, campuses and health systems across the system will mark the 10th annual UC Walks with events that celebrate UC’s commitment to health, wellbeing and community.

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Organized by campuses and health systems in partnership with the Systemwide WellBeing Initiative, UC Walks just keeps growing. More than 9,000 participants attended last year’s events – a 32 percent increase over 2017 and more than double the participation of the inaugural event in 2010!

UC Walks leverages the power of systemwide collaboration while reflecting each location’s unique culture. UC’s health systems offer multiple events to ensure all are included – UCLA Health alone hosted 12 guided walks last year. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – a first-time UC Walks participant last year – featured music from the lab’s Ukelele Club. Another first-time participant, UC Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR), hosted events at 35 offices and research centers across the state — from Modoc County in the far northeast corner of California to Imperial County in the south. 

Visit the UC Walks page on UCnet to find out what’s happening at your location.

Participants will receive a free t-shirt while supplies last, courtesy of UC’s health care plans.

Show your UC Walks spirit by sharing photos of you and your colleagues on Twitter and Instagram, using #UCWalks. We’ll post a collection of #UCWalks photos on UCnet after the event. Check out a photo slideshow of last year’s event.

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