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Three candidates vie for staff positions on retirement system advisory board

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Three UC employees are running for two open staff seats on the UC Retirement System (UCRS) Advisory Board. The Board meets three times each year to discuss issues pertaining to UC’s retirement plans and shares ideas with UC Office of the President leaders.

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Active, eligible UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) members and Savings Choice participants in the Defined Contribution Plans who are not members of the Academic Senate will be invited to vote for two new representatives from May 20 through June 17. See below for more detail on voting eligibility and procedures.

Following is a list of the candidates, with an excerpt from each candidate’s statement:

Lucy E. Whyte, Payroll/Personnel Specialist, UC Davis

If elected to the UCRS Advisory Board, I would advocate for investing wisely to preserve pension plan funds, while continuing to explore other plan options to ensure security and provide flexibility for current and future retirees.

Tiffany E. Wilson, Systemwide Academic HR Analyst 3, UCOP

If elected, my goals for my term on the Board are to improve transparency, improve education regarding retirement benefits, maintain retirement benefits, and ensure security of electronic information and electronic payments.

Ruth S. Zolayvar, Inpatient Pharmacy Technician III, UCSD Medical Center

I am deeply committed to the health of the UC Retirement System, and in particular, to preserving the defined benefit (DB) pension.

Read the candidates’ full statements on the UCRS Advisory Board election website.

How to cast a ballot

All active UCRP members and Savings Choice participants who are not part of the Academic Senate may vote for two candidates to sit on the Board for a four-year term beginning July 1, 2019.

Election-America is conducting the online election. Election-America is a leading full-service election management company. For over 10 years, it has managed complex elections nationally and serviced tens of millions of voters.

Active UCRP members and Savings Choice participants with UC email addresses will receive an email announcing that they are eligible to vote.  The email will include a link to the e-ballot, a unique Election Code and PIN, and voting instructions. The Election Code and PIN ensure that eligible voters cast only one ballot.

Eligible voters without UC email addresses will receive a ballot and instructions in the mail at their home address.  The election information will also include instructions and an Election Code and PIN for voting online.  The members can either mail in the paper ballot or vote online using the Election Code and PIN provided in the election packet.

Final election results will be posted on the UCRS Advisory Board election website by the end of June.

About the UCRS Advisory Board

The 11-member UCRS Advisory Board is comprised of a cross-section of the university community. In addition to the two seats held by elected staff representatives, the board includes members of the President’s executive cabinet; faculty appointed by the UC Academic Senate; and representatives of the Council of UC Emeriti Associations and Council of UC Retiree Associations.

The Advisory Board discusses issues relating to all members, retirees and their beneficiaries for the following plans:

  • University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP)
  • Tax-Deferred 403(b) Plan
  • 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan
  • Defined Contribution Plan

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