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Staff Snapshot: Inderjit Takhar, motocross enthusiast

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Name: Inderjit “Inder” Takhar

Title: Global Engagement Assistant

Department/Unit: Global Engagement Office, Academic Planning

Location: UC Berkeley

When I started working at UC: February 1, 2018 

What I do for UC in five words or less: Facilitate Berkeley’s strategic international partnerships.

Why I love working at UC: At UC, I am surrounded by some of the greatest minds in the world. Every interaction is an opportunity to learn something new.

Something people don’t know about me: I raced dirt bikes (motocross) as a kid. I got my first bike at 10 years old and raced for four years.

One person (living or dead) who I’d love to have dinner with: Nelson Mandela

The best career advice I’ve ever received: Be adaptable. The world is constantly changing and to get and stay ahead you must be willing to adapt. Without adaption and change, there is very little growth.


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