Contact us
If you have a question, comment or suggestion about UCnet, please email us at
We are not able to respond to questions or comments about other matters related to UC. Please see below for suggestions about who to contact regarding other issues.
Helpful UC contacts
Paycheck or benefits enrollments — Submit an inquiry in your UCPath account; on the upper left hand side, click on “Ask UCPath Center.” Or call 855-982-7284.
UCRP retirement benefits or retiree health insurance — Send a secure message through your UCRAYS account. Visit the UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) portal to learn more about the retirement process or make an appointment with a retirement counselor.
UCRAYS account access — Call RASC at 800-888-8267 and select option 1.
UC Retirement Savings Plan accounts (including Savings Choice) — Go to or call Fidelity Retirement Services at 866-682-7787.
Personalized support — Contact your health care facilitator for help understanding and managing your UC health benefits. Contact your benefits office or find other resources at your location.