Child Development Center
Class Specifications – H.65
Child Development Center Manager (4102)
Child Development Center Coordinator (4103)
Child Development Center Teacher II, Lead (7562)
Child Development Center Teacher II (4105)
Child Development Center Teacher I (4107)
Child Development Center Assistant (4108)
January 2019
Series Concept
Child Development Center Managers and Coordinators are responsible for the operation of the University Child Development Centers that may include conceptualization, organizational analysis, development of policies and procedures, short- and long-term planning, budget administration, supervision, and the daily execution of classroom activities for infants, preschool and/or school-age children. Incumbents may also serve in a liaison capacity with academic personnel conducting research projects at the Development Center, participate in campus and community boards on child care issues, and oversee privately operated Child Development Centers.
Child Development Center Teachers plan and implement the curriculum, developmental activities and care of infants, preschool and/or school age children at University Child Development Centers and perform other related duties as required. The duties of the journey and senior Teacher level (Teacher I and II) positions may include writing and implementing lesson and activity plans; providing care for infants and/or children; participating in the overall evaluation of the program; contributing to the writing of periodic newsletters or other informational materials for parents; conducting and documenting parent conferences; providing in-service training to staff and overseeing and approving the purchase of classroom equipment.
The Child Development Center Assistants contribute to the operation of the University Child Development Center by assisting in the preparation and implementation of various classroom activities. The levels of Teachers and Assistant are distinguished by the scope of responsibility and by the education and experience requirements.
Class Concepts
4102 – Child Development Center Manager
The distinction between Manager and Coordinator is determined by the number of sites for which the position is responsible and the enrollment capacity. The Manager level is responsible
for a large single site or has multi-site responsibility, whereas the Coordinator level is responsible for a small single site facility.
4103 – Child Development Center Coordinator
Incumbents are responsible for the operation of the University Child Development Centers and serve primarily in an administrative oversight capacity. Incumbents perform a variety of professional and administrative duties that include program administration, special projects, budgets, facilities, and personnel. Incumbents are typically responsible for a small single site facility.
4105 – Child Development Center Teacher II
7562 – Child Development Center Teacher II, Lead
This is the senior level of the two Child Development Center Teacher titles. Under the direction of a Child Development Center Manager or Coordinator, the Child Development Center Teacher II organizes and coordinates the care and developmental activities of infants and/or children. In addition to the responsibilities identified in the series concept, incumbents at this level may also: assist in a liaison capacity with academic personnel conducting research projects at the Center; oversee the implementation of policies and procedures relating to the care of infants and/or children; give input to the Manager or Coordinator regarding long range planning and give direction to subordinate level employees. Incumbents may also serve in the Manager’s or Coordinator’s absence either on a routine basis during the Center’s extended hours of operation or on an occasional basis for a period of up to thirty consecutive days. Incumbents serving in the absence of the Manager or Coordinator must meet applicable Title 22 and/or Title 5 requirements for this type of appointment. In addition, incumbents in Lead positions serve as work leaders for Child Development Teachers (I and II), and Child Development Center Assistants in their respective classrooms. Incumbents create classroom staffing schedules, transmit and explain work assignments; ensure that assignments are completed satisfactorily; train, support and mentor Child Development Teachers (I and II) and Child Development Center Assistants in their respective classrooms; lead their classroom teams in curriculum development and implementation; are responsible for ensuring that all licensing regulations and accreditation requirements are met in their classrooms; establish and lead regular team meetings; and perform the full range of job duties as outlined in the Series Concept.
4107 – Child Development Center Teacher I
This is the journey level of the series. Under the supervision of a Child Development Center Teacher II, Child Development Center Manager or Coordinator, incumbents at this level perform the full array of duties described in the series concept. In addition, this level may give direction to Assistants as well as perform some of the duties assigned to the Assistant level.
4108 – Child Development Center Assistant
This is the entry level of the Child Development Center series. The principal responsibilities of incumbents at this level are to assist in the preparation and implementation of classroom activities; prepare snacks; perform clean-up duties; assist children with daily hygiene routines.
Minimum Qualifications
4102 – Child Development Center Manager
The Child Development Center Manager and/or incumbents who are responsible for multiple-site facilities must meet all the requirements for a “Fully Qualified Director” as defined in Title 22 by the Department of Social Services or satisfy the criteria for a “Program Director” as defined in Title 5 by the State Department of Education.
4103 – Child Development Center Coordinator
The Child Development Center Coordinator and/or incumbents who are responsible for a single site must meet all the requirements for a “Fully Qualified Director” as defined in Title 22 by the Department of Social Services or satisfy the criteria for a “Site Supervisor” as defined in Title 5 by the State Department of Education.
Incumbents allocated to positions at the various levels within this series must meet the education and experience requirements outlined by the state department responsible for the licensing of the University Child Development Center. Education and experience requirements as defined by the Department of Social Service for the State of California are documented in Title 22. Education and experience requirements defined by the Department of Education for the State of California are documented in Title 5.
Incumbents assigned to Child Development Center Teacher I or II (Leads included) must satisfy the requirement for a “Fully Qualified Teacher” within the applicable infant and/or preschool child category as defined by the Department of Social Service in Title 22 or satisfy the requirement for a “Teacher” as defined by the State Department of Education in Title 5.
Incumbents assigned to the title Child Development Center Assistant must meet the requirements for “Teacher Aide” defined by the Department of Social Service in Title 22.
Positions allocated to the supervisory titles must meet the criteria for supervision as defined in the Supplemental Guidelines for Supervisory classes (SAM 12). Note: Specific qualification requirements are approved for positions by the Personnel Manager in accordance with the provisions of Staff Personnel Policies 210.8 and 210.9.