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Linguistic Interpreter

Class Specifications – D.10
Senior Linguistic Interpreter (6652)
Linguistic Interpreter (6653)

May, 1976

Series Concept

Linguistic Interpreters use a native knowledge of a language in speaking words, phrases, and sentences to provide models for the teaching or study of linguistics or languages; and perform other related duties as required.

Class Concepts

Senior Linguistic Interpreter

Under general supervision, incumbents perform the duties described in the Class Concept for Linguistic Interpreter and, in addition, assist in the analysis, interpretation and explanation of grammar or pronunciation. Senior Linguistic Interpreters assist students in the classroom study of pronunciation of grammar, and may recite and explain the folk literature of a language under study, particularly obscure or difficult cultural references.

Senior Linguistic Interpreter positions are distinguished from Linguistic Interpreter positions in that incumbents are required to provide analytical, interpretive, or explanatory information relating to the spoken examples they furnish.

Linguistic Interpreter

Under supervision, Linguistic Interpreters use a native language to give Spoken examples and to drill students; record on tapes for use in a language laboratory; give speech examples to establish vocabulary and/or grammar for an unwritten language; and provide spoken examples to students making linguistic studies of the language. Incumbents have an expert knowledge of the native language that is put to use in the areas of phonetics, semantics, or pronunciation.

Minimum Qualifications

Knowledge of English and native knowledge of the required foreign language; and knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.