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Language Assistant

Class Specifications – B.15
Language Assistant (6650)

May 1976

Class Concepts

Under direction, Language Assistants conduct classroom conversation sessions by serving as models and prompters to assist students in acquiring conversational fluency in a foreign language; prepare classroom and self-instructional written and taped material, and perform other related duties as required.

Language Assistants use their native knowledge of a foreign language to assist in the teaching of languages. Incumbents typically write and transcribe to tape (or other automated teaching devices) self-instructional material to use in grammar exercises, and to improve discrimination and correct articulation of sounds; dramatize situations in conversation classes to provide coaching for students in acquiring conversational fluency in the language; give remedial assistance to individual problems of students in class sessions through repetitive prompting; write text material for a complete course in the language under study; and explain cultural references in the literature of the language under study.

Language Assistant positions are distinguished from Linguistic Interpreter positions in that incumbents prepare instructional materials, conduct classes with emphasis on reading and conversation, and maintain a continuing tutorial relationship with students.

Minimum Qualifications

Graduation from college and a native knowledge of the required foreign language; or an equivalent combination of education and experience; and knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.